Thanks for playing with my feelings,
How i wish i could stop my heart from beating,
Thanks for playing with my heart,
At least to you this was a fun part,
you have left me broken, with my eyes filled with tears and fears,
At least you are whole, with smile on your face and not a sight of fear,
To you i was just a game, that you tried to win and succeeded,
Now that you are bored you've left me deserted,
Thanks for playing with my head,
Your sick little mind games,
You kept me guessing, till the very end,
Thanks for playing with my emotions,
According to you this was my weakness,
Thanks for your fake love,
Thanks for pretending that your cared,
Thanks for strengthening my belief, that LOVE is nothing but a pain causing pill,
Thanks for showing me that friendship is something that does not really exist,
Thanks for breaking my trust, for opening up, for sharing my thoughts, for placing my trust on an unknown soul,
Thanks for opening my eyes, you honestly showed me that Love too like friendship is something that does not actually exist,
Thanks for showing me the right path,
A path where to help is to hurt, to love is to lie, to share is to sin, to smile is a crime,
How i wish i could stop my heart from beating,
Thanks for playing with my heart,
At least to you this was a fun part,
you have left me broken, with my eyes filled with tears and fears,
At least you are whole, with smile on your face and not a sight of fear,
To you i was just a game, that you tried to win and succeeded,
Now that you are bored you've left me deserted,
Thanks for playing with my head,
Your sick little mind games,
You kept me guessing, till the very end,
Thanks for playing with my emotions,
According to you this was my weakness,
Thanks for your fake love,
Thanks for pretending that your cared,
Thanks for strengthening my belief, that LOVE is nothing but a pain causing pill,
Thanks for showing me that friendship is something that does not really exist,
Thanks for breaking my trust, for opening up, for sharing my thoughts, for placing my trust on an unknown soul,
Thanks for opening my eyes, you honestly showed me that Love too like friendship is something that does not actually exist,
Thanks for showing me the right path,
A path where to help is to hurt, to love is to lie, to share is to sin, to smile is a crime,
Thanks for proving that I'm a fool, to have trusted you...Came to know about your new start be happy but
remember what you give is all that you will get .....Submitted by Vijay on email